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As últimas:

maio 9, 2013

Tonico Lemos Auad na Luisa Strina, São Paulo

Tonico Lemos Auad, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, SP - 20/05/2013 a 22/06/2013

[scroll down to read in English]

A Galeria Luisa Strina tem o prazer de apresentar a exposição individual do artista Tonico Lemos Auad. Nascido em Belém do Pará, o artista vive e trabalha em Londres, Inglaterra. Para sua terceira exposição individual na Galeria Luisa Strina, Auad apresenta uma série de trabalhos que ganham inspiração no rico simbolismo de sua cidade natal, em duas instalações principais.

Brick House (Casa de tijolos), é uma construção imponente que nos aparece como um casa mas não possui portas ou janelas. Encontramos no entanto uma série de ofertas aparentemente abstratas sendo esmagadas para fora de suas emendas de cimento: cordas, ramos, correntes de metal, esses elementos relacionam-se com a tradição da cidade de Círio de Nazaré, onde presentes de agradecimento e esperança são oferecidos aos Deuses: um tijolo propondo um desejo ou gratidão por uma casa. A estrutura funciona como uma intervenção no espaço da galeria, sua presença oferecendo uma sólida permanência, rica em iconografia incorporada.

O mar, tema recorrente em seu trabalho, revela-se em painéis de linho preto que flutuam no espaço expositivo. O conceito nesses trabalhos é o de remover, mais que adicionar. Os fios do linho são retirados a fim de criar desenhos abstratos de barcos e velas. Juntos, os painéis criam uma meditativa paisagem marinha noturna.

Dando continuidade ao trabalho exibido em suas últimas mostras em galerias no exterior, Tonico Lemos Auad prepara para essa exposição trabalhos que carregam um poderoso diálogo com a materialidade e o simbolismo cultural.


Tonico Lemos Auad (1968 Belém, Brasil) vive e trabalha em Londres, Inglaterra.

Exposições individuais recentes incluem; ‘Figa’, CRG Gallery, New York (2012); ‘Carrancas and Reflected Archaeology’, Special commission, The Folkestone Triennial, Folkestone (2011); ‘Sleep Walkers’ Centro Cultural São Paulo (2011); ‘Mouth, Ears, Eyes…Just like us’, Stephen Friedman Gallery, London (2009); ‘Silent Singing’, CRG Gallery, New York (2008); Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, Colorado (2007).

Exposições Coletivas incluem; ‘Além da Vanguarda' Bienal Naifs do Brasil, SESC Piracicaba, São Paulo (2012); ‘Mythologies’, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (2011); ‘Undone: Making and Unmaking in Contemporary Sculpture’, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds (2010); ‘Epílogo’, Zapopan ‘Museum, Zapopan, Mexico; ‘Going International,’ The Flag Art Foundation, New York (2010); ‘Textiles Art and the Social Fabric’, MUHKA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp (2009); ‘Blooming: Brazil-Japan Where you are’, Toyota Municipal Art Museum, Japan (2008); ‘This is Not a Void’, curated by Jens Hoffman, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo (2008); ‘The British Art Show 06’, Hayward Gallery touring exhibition, UK (2006); ‘Art Circus (Jumping from the Ordinary)’, International Triennial of Contemporary Art, Yokohama, Japan (2005) and ‘Adaptive Behavior’, New Museum, New York (2004).

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Tonico Lemos Auad, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, SP - 20/05/2013 a 22/06/2013

Galeria Luisa Strina is pleased to present the solo show by artist Tonico Lemos Auad. Born in Belém do Pará, the artist lives in London, England. For his third solo show at Galeria Luisa Strina, Auad is presenting a series of works that find inspiration in the rich symbolism of the city of his birth, in two main installations.

Brick House is an imposing construction that looks like a house, but without doors or windows. We find a series of apparently abstract offerings being squeezed out of its cement seams: ropes, branches, metal chains - elements related with the tradition of the city of Círio de Nazaré, where gifts of thanks and hope are offered to the gods: a brick proposing a wish to gain a house, or gratitude for receiving one. The structure functions as an intervention in the space of the gallery, its presence offering a solid permanence, rich in incorporated iconography.

The sea, a recurrent theme in his work, is revealed in panels of black linen that float in the exhibition space. The concept in these works involves the removal and reorganization of the weave of the fabric, rather than addition. The threads of linen are taken out in order to create abstract drawings of boats and sails. Together, the panels create a meditative nocturnal seascape.

Lending continuity to the work shown in his recent exhibitions in galleries abroad, for this show Tonico Lemos Auad has prepared artworks that bear a powerful dialogue with materiality and cultural symbolism.

The opening will take place on May 18 at noon, and the exhibition will run from May 19 to June 22, 2013.


Tonico Lemos Auad (1968 Belém, Brasil) lives and works in London, England.

Next shows include: 'Textiles: Open Letter', Museum Abteiberg, Germany (2013); 'Labour and Wait', Santa Barbara Museum of Art, USA (2013); 'Site: Place of Memories, Spaces with Potential', Hiroshima City Museum Of Contemporary Art, Japan (2013); besdides a special project at PINTA - The Modern & Contemporary Latin American Art Show.

Recent solo shows include: Stephen Friedman Gallery, London (2012); 'Figa', CRG Gallery, New York (2012); 'Carrancas and Reflected Archaeology', Special commission, The Folkestone Triennial, Folkestone (2011); 'Sleep Walkers' Centro Cultural São Paulo (2011); 'Mouth, Ears, Eyes Just like us', Stephen Friedman Gallery, London (2009); 'Silent Singing', CRG Gallery, New York (2008); Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, Colorado (2007).

Group Shows include; 'Além da Vanguarda' Bienal Naifs do Brasil, SESC Piracicaba, São Paulo (2012); 'Mythologies', Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (2011); 'Undone: Making and Unmaking in Contemporary Sculpture', Henry Moore Institute, Leeds (2010); 'Epílogo', Zapopan Museum, Zapopan, Mexico; 'Going International,' The Flag Art Foundation, New York (2010); 'Textiles Art and the Social Fabric', MUHKA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp (2009); 'Blooming: Brazil-Japan Where you are', Toyota Municipal Art Museum, Japan (2008); 'This is Not a Void', curated by Jens Hoffman, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo (2008); 'The British Art Show 06', Hayward Gallery touring exhibition, UK (2006); 'Art Circus (Jumping from the Ordinary)', International Triennial of Contemporary Art, Yokohama, Japan (2005) and 'Adaptive Behavior', New Museum, New York (2004).

Posted by Patricia Canetti at 10:06 AM