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Paulo Bruscky

Curadoria de Clara M. Kim

opening_ 01/05/2017, monday, 11-14h
exhibition_ 02/05/2017 til 24/06/2017

The show presents the artist’s classified advertisements, as well documentation of historical performances, illustrating the artist’s seminal body of work spanning over 5 decades, many never finalized due censurship imposed by the military dictatorship in Brazil during the first years of his artist’s career. The exhibition also contextualizes the artist’s work that will be presented concurrently with the exhibition at: the 57th Venice Biennale, and the Americas Society in New York, when the artist will give a workshop based on his historic performance Xeroperformance, 1980, on May 24th.

segment_ photography, engraving

Galeria Nara Roesler UES
East 69th Street 22 3r - Upper East Side
New York / New York / United States

place hours_
Segunda a sexta, 10-18h; sábado, 11-18h / Monday - Friday, 10am-6pm; Saturday, 11am-6pm

issue sent by_ Maria Beatriz Machado

arte cemiterial, Paulo Bruscky (Paulo Bruscky)  
related texts_
Bienal de Veneza e Pompidou destacam obra de Paulo Bruscky by Silas Martí, Folha de S. Paulo
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