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abril 16, 2020

ARTE SEMPRE: Marie-Caroline Hominal no Instagram da Casa Nova Arte

Nos próximos 15 dias, durante este período em que todxs estão #emcasa, vamos usar o Instagram da Casa Nova como um espaço expositivo para uma série de vídeo performances da artista Suiça Marie-Caroline Hominal. #fiqueemcasa #mariecarolinehominal @mch333555777999

A prática de Marie-Caroline Hominal inclui coreografia, performance, vídeo, desenho, música. Ela estudou dança no Janet Held Studio em Montreux, na Schweizerische Balletberufschule em Zurique e na Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance em Londres. Se aprimorou em dança na Schweizerische Ballettberufschule (ZHDK TanzAkademie) em Zurique e na Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, em Londres, onde ingressou na National Youth Dance Company.

In the next 15 days, during this period when everyone is #athome, we will use our Instagram as an exhibition space for a series of video performances by Swiss artist Marie-Caroline Hominal. #stayhome #mariecarolinehominal @mch333555777999

Marie-Caroline Hominal 's practice includes choreography, performance, video, drawing, music. She did her Dance education at Janet Held Studio in Montreux, the Schweizerische Balletberufschule in Zurich and at the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in London.Marie-Caroline received her dance education at the Schweizerische Ballettberufschule (ZHDK TanzAkademie) in Zurich and at the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in London, where she joined the National Youth Dance Company. Photo: Lukas Beyeler

Posted by Patricia Canetti at 11:24 AM